Yogoda Satsanga magazine

Welcome to the online home of Yogoda Satsanga — a magazine devoted to healing of body, mind, and soul — one of the longest running Yoga magazines in the world. Created by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogoda Satsanga has been introducing seekers of higher consciousness to the timeless universal truths of Yoga, India’s ancient science of uniting the soul with Spirit and living a life of harmony and well-being.

In 2021,  Yogoda Satsanga became a combination of a print and online magazine. This new hybrid form of the magazine offers a rich assortment of online material and a special annual print and digital issue — and takes its place alongside the vast array of multimedia inspirational and instructional content now provided by Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

With this next phase in the magazine’s evolution, Yogoda Satsanga will continue to help many thousands understand that they can put into practice the time-tested techniques of Yoga and the practical “how-to-live” spirituality brought by Paramahansa Yogananda to transform their lives and attain their highest potential in body, mind, and soul.

Preview of Yogoda Satsanga magazine, 2023 Annual Issue

A digital collection of past content

Subscribers to Yogoda Satsanga magazine can read the current issue in the new online library.

And in the coming months, they will be able to access a special online library of many years of selected inspirational content from past issues of the magazine. This exceptional wisdom-resource will include hundreds of pages of material from Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Daya Mata, and other favourite authors whose words were eagerly absorbed by past Yogoda Satsanga readers — as well as rare photos and YSS news (now YSS history!).

“I will talk to you all...”

After arriving in the West from India and founding Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920, Paramahansa Yogananda soon began to travel to cities across America to give classes on the teachings of Kriya Yoga, the ancient science of Self-realization reintroduced in modern times and disseminated by his line of gurus. Yoganandaji began publishing his magazine in 1925, as a means of providing regular contact with the thousands of students from his classes in distant cities, saying: “I will talk to you all through the columns of this magazine.”

To this day, Yogoda Satsanga has provided readers with previously unpublished talks and writings from Paramahansa Yogananda and his spiritual successors and other close disciples on the yoga science of meditation and art of balanced spiritual living.

A unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern thought

As stated under the title, Yogoda Satsanga is “a magazine devoted to healing of body, mind, and soul — healing the body of disease by proper diet, right living, and recharging the body with God’s all-powerful cosmic energy; removing inharmonies and inefficiency from the mind by concentration, constructive thinking, and cheerfulness; and freeing the ever-perfect soul from the bonds of spiritual ignorance by meditation.”

Yogoda Satsanga presents a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern thought, with fascinating and informative articles providing insight on a wide range of subjects, including:

  • The essential role of meditation for a happy life and a peaceful world
  • The “how-to-live” principles necessary for people of all ages
  • Finding balance and simplicity despite outer complexity and conflicts
  • The nature of life, death, and reincarnation
  • A spiritual perspective on world events and global civilization
  • Developing mind power, calmness, and abundant physical and mental health
  • Creating a personal relationship with the Divine and healthy relationships with others and self
  • The intersection of modern science and ancient Indian philosophy

Enjoy a sampling of articles from the magazine

Read a sample issue of Yogoda Satsanga magazine

Apr-Jun 2020 issue

Read some recent articles from the magazine

“Are We Really Entering a Better Age?” by Swami Anandamoy Giri

“Courage to Face Our Fears” by Sri Sri Daya Mata

“Yoga and the Emotions: Emotional Maturity for Health, Happiness, and Self-realization” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

“The Yoga Sadhana That Brings God’s Love and Bliss” by Sri Sri Mrinalini Mata

“Purchasing Eternity: Applying the Power of Economic Principles to Achieve Our Spiritual Goals” by Swati Mukerjee

“Practising the Divine Presence” by Swami Bhaktananda Giri

Further inspirations from our website

In the past couple of decades our world has seen huge changes in the way information and instruction is published and distributed to worldwide audiences. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India has evolved and benefitted from this in many ways, increasingly providing a broad spectrum of multimedia offerings online to help YSS students — and those discovering YSS for the first time — to experience in a greater way the global spiritual community and fellowship that Paramahansa Yogananda envisioned for YSS/SRF.

Additionally, there has been a recent milestone in the dissemination of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings of Kriya Yoga. In 2019, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India launched the complete and enhanced edition of the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons, which includes the most in-depth presentation of Paramahansaji’s teachings and techniques ever published, drawing extensively from the totality of his more than thirty years of writing, lecturing, and personal instruction to devotees.

Through all these programmes, the flow of inspiration that began modestly with publication of the first issue of Self-Realization (Yogoda Satsanga) magazine in 1925 has expanded exponentially, making the wisdom of Paramahansaji’s teachings accessible to seekers on an unprecedented scale, far beyond what was possible when he inaugurated the magazine.

Scroll to learn about and find links to examples of these offerings on our site.

Weekly online inspirational services with guided meditations

In 2020, YSS/SRF began offering weekly online inspirational talks with guided meditations, featuring beloved close disciples of Paramahansaji from past years such as Sri Daya Mata, Sri Mrinalini Mata, Swami Anandamoy Giri, and others, in addition to current YSS/SRF sannyasis. These videos are housed permanently on SRF and YSS websites and YouTube channels.

Video talks, meditations, and timely messages from YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

Talks and current messages from YSS/SRF presidents — the spiritual successors of Paramahansa Yogananda — have been a key feature of Yogoda Satsanga magazine. This tradition continues with insight and inspiration from YSS/SRF President Swami Chidananda Giri available on our Blog and in the annual print issue of our magazine. Additionally, videos of guided meditations led by Swami Chidananda Giri are available.

Yogoda Satsanga News

For many readers of Yogoda Satsanga magazine throughout the years, catching up with the “YSS News” section of the magazine has been of great interest. You can access regular updates about YSS — with many photos and videos — through the news section of our Blog. In addition, highlights from the year will be published in the annual print issues. 

YSS Online Dhyana Kendra

In 2021 Yogoda Satsanga Society of India launched the YSS Online Dhyana Kendra, which offers an extensive daily schedule of group meditations for students of the YSS/SRF teachings — as well as to anyone new to meditation. Most are conducted by long-time YSS devotees, in English and Hindi. In addition, weekly group meditations are led by YSS sannyasis.

The YSS Lessons

For those who wish to take the inspiration of Yogoda Satsanga magazine, as well as the profound truths in Autobiography of a Yogi, and fully integrate YSS’s “how-to-live” principles and the techniques of meditation into their own lives, Paramahansa Yogananda created the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons, a comprehensive home-study course presenting his personal and in-depth instruction in the science of meditation and art of balanced spiritual living. Go to the link below to learn more and start on this journey of joy-filled transformation.


You can subscribe to the newly released 2023 annual issue of the magazine through Devotee Portal or Online Bookstore.

You can also purchase the newly released 2023 annual issue of the magazine through our Online Bookstore.