Yogoda Satsanga Lessons
in Self-realization

Learn the sacred science of
Kriya Yoga meditation to transform and
bring balance to your life.

Devotee reading YSS Lesson in self-realization
Please note: Enrolment for the New Edition of the YSS Lessons in Hindi is now open.

Start Your Journey on the Path

The YSS Lessons teach you how to live a balanced and successful life by awakening your connection to the Divine

What you have been seeking has been inside you all along

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the stress and pressures of everyday life and become distracted by the expectations placed upon us by others and society. But you already have inside you everything you need for ultimate peace, security, and happiness.

To tap into this hidden wellspring, all you need to do is cultivate a daily meditation practice following the scientific and universal path of yoga taught by Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

You can receive satisfying answers to your deepest questions, and cultivate a lasting happiness

True fulfilment, answers to your questions about life, and lasting happiness are within your reach—and can become your everyday experience as you move step-by-step along the spiritual path.

Meditation has hit new heights of popularity. Scientific studies have proven many physical and mental health benefits, and how a daily practise can positively impact your life. But at the core of meditation there is something far greater.

Meditation is your doorway to Bliss-consciousness

When meditation is practised scientifically, you can calm the mind, breath, and heart, and take your energies inside, where you can perceive your soul’s oneness with Bliss.

This soul-perception dissolves the sense of mortal limitations and will deliver not only the greatest joy, but also more peace, wisdom, and love than you could ever imagine. This is the state of being which has been realized by yogis since ancient times, and which is now available to us all.

If you are one of those who are really thirsty to solve your individual problems, or the universal human problem of understanding the mystery of life, learn and follow the teachings of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (Self-Realization Fellowship) — the scientific spiritual teachings of India, handed down by her illumined seers and sages from time immemorial. Therein you will find the answers.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

A progressive home-study programme that transforms your life in ways you might never imagine

The YSS Lessons are a transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and transform all aspects of your life: a progressive, home-study program teaching meditation techniques and the essence of spirituality handed down through a renowned lineage of yoga masters — Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda — and available to you.


As far as you want to go along the spiritual path, I can show you; and if you practise the techniques in the Lessons you will never feel stagnation in your progress.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

You will learn the ancient techniques of Kriya Yoga meditation 

The Lessons were originated by Paramahansa Yogananda. At the core of his teachings is a powerful system of meditation techniques: the Kriya Yoga science of meditation. This ancient science of the soul—to which millions have been introduced by Autobiography of a Yogi and other books by him—provides powerful methods for awakening higher spiritual consciousness and the inner bliss of divine realization.

From the very first Lesson, you receive definite methods by which you can experience the benefits of meditation immediately.

While building a solid foundation for deep meditation, you will learn three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as necessary first steps in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga: 

Energization Technique and Exercises

The unique series of Energization Exercises developed by Paramahansa Yogananda enables one to draw energy consciously into the body from the Cosmic Source. This technique of life-energy control purifies and strengthens the body and prepares it for meditation, making it easier to direct the energy inward in order to reach higher states of consciousness. Regular practice also promotes mental and physical relaxation and develops dynamic will power.

Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration

This ancient and powerful technique helps to develop the mind’s latent powers of concentration. Through regular practice one learns to withdraw thought and energy from outward distractions so that they may be focused on any goal to be achieved or problem to be solved. Or one may direct the concentrated attention that results from successful practice toward realizing the Divine Consciousness within.

Aum Technique of Meditation

Once the student has learned, through the practice of the previous techniques, to relax the body and focus the mind, this advanced meditation technique expands the awareness beyond limitations of body and mind to the joyous realization of one’s infinite potential.

Receiving Kriya Yoga

All sincere seekers of spiritual consciousness— regardless of religious affiliation—can receive the above techniques in the basic series of the YSS Lessons. After learning and practising these three basic techniques during the first eight months of Lessons study, those who wish may apply for initiation into Kriya Yoga. Initiation entails a deeper commitment to this path. Study and practice of the basic Lessons will enable you to determine if you wish to make that commitment.

Whether or not one decides to go on to receive Kriya Yoga, all who are earnest in their application of the techniques taught in the basic series of Lessons can build for themselves a profoundly rewarding meditation practice. They will be able to prove for themselves Paramahansa Yogananda’s assurance that the highest states of divine consciousness can be attained through the basic techniques listed above—though Kriya Yoga is the fastest and most effective method.

Features to inspire your spiritual journey and to help you overcome your struggles

Using these studies, and meditating regularly, you shall find such happiness, such answers to your problems! Don’t be satisfied with words. Have actual experience of truth. Have Self-realization!

— Paramahansa Yogananda

  • Receive the YSS yoga techniques of meditation—progressively higher methods for experiencing Self-realization and God-communion.
  • Benefit from the personal connection with and guidance of YSS sannyasis . Get answers to your questions about your practice, the Lessons, and meditation techniques.
  • Apply the practical “how-to-live” wisdom to solve the myriad problems in your life. Create harmony and success in every area of your existence.
  • Use affirmations to apply the power of concentration and will for self-improvement and spiritual progress.
  • Awaken heart-centred devotion and desire for God with divinely inspired prayers and poetry.
  • Gain understanding about the scientific principles and philosophy on which the meditation techniques are based—to satisfy your reason as well as your heart.
  • Learn how to scientifically prevent and heal yourself of disease — physical, psychological, and spiritual.
  • Apply the instructive stories illustrating moral and spiritual principles to yourself and your family life.
  • Feel the inspiration of the divinely charged words of Paramahansa Yogananda.
  • Motivate your personal journey to life’s highest goal: God-realization.

A wealth of inspiration and practical guidance

In addition to the techniques, the Lessons offer a wealth of inspiration and practical guidance for spiritual living — how to live joyfully and successfully amidst the unceasing challenges and opportunities in this world of change. You will learn to convert that inspiration into a daily spiritual practice.

A Sampling of Some of the Lessons Topics

  • Yoga: The Scientific Way to Know God
  • Physical, Mental and Metaphysical Relaxation
  • Understanding the Nature of Creation
  • Awakening the Chakras in the Spine
  • Yoga Principles of Health and Healing
  • The Guru-Disciple Relationship
  • Life, Death, Karma and Reincarnation
  • The Spiritual Eye: Doorway to the Infinite
  • Communing With God Through Prayer
  • The Art of Balanced Spiritual Living

Read the Introductory Lesson by Paramahansa Yogananda Now 

Start your journey with us — Apply today

We invite you to journey with us on a life-transforming discovery of the peace, joy, and wisdom of the soul through the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda

Apply for the YSS Lessons in three easy steps:

STEP 1: Create an account.

STEP 2: Complete an application.

STEP 3: Digitally sign the pledge and submit online.

Cost and Timing

The YSS Lessons (basic series) is divided into 18 in-depth Lessons (approximately 24-40 pages each), each of which students receive every two weeks for 9 months. All of the basic meditation techniques that are preparatory to Kriya Yoga are mailed by the end of this period.  

We are offering the basic series of the YSS Lessons at a special introductory price — ₹ 600 for Lessons sent by Ordinary Post, and ₹ 1000 for Lessons sent by Courier/Special Post — substantially lower than their actual cost.

The above rates are applicable only for India. Subscription rates for Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka are INR 4,200. Lessons Students in Nepal are requested to contact our meditation center in Kopundole for subscription.

This price includes complimentary access to the digital version of the Lessons in the YSS Lessons app, and all the auxiliary content for the Lessons during your Basic Lessons series subscription period.

Special note: We are introducing the new edition of the Lessons at the lowest price we can, so that the Lessons can be available to all who otherwise may not be able to afford them. We are only able to offer this low price because of the generous support that we anticipate from many devotees of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India toward the spread of Paramahansa Yogananda’s work to people in all lands.

If you are able, we would be very grateful if when enrolling you could also consider making a donation. This will allow us to meet our general operating expenses and extend the availability of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings to all sincere seekers.

Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for the first Lesson to arrive.

“Thank you so very much for the new Lessons, they are very helpful, I am understanding the teachings now in a better way, and feel our great Guru’s blessings.”     
– S.J., Delhi

Kriya Yoga

An ancient technique for modern times

Kriya Yoga is no ordinary breathing exercise: It is the highest known technique of pranayama, by which you can consciously control the life force in the body and thereby attain cosmic consciousness.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

When Can I Receive Kriya Yoga Initiation?

It is important to establish a solid foundation in meditation before practising the higher technique of Kriya Yoga. After learning and practising the three basic techniques (Energization, Concentration, and Meditation) during the first eight months of receiving Paramahansa Yogananda’s personal instruction in the Lessons, those who wish may apply for initiation into Kriya Yoga.

YSS Lessons Observe Sacred Guidelines for the Teaching of Kriya Yoga.

In Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansaji relates the story of how, in 1861, Kriya Yoga came to be resurrected by Mahavatar Babaji for humanity at large. He instructed his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya in the ancient science, and told him that his role in life was to teach it openly to others (as had not been done for many centuries). At first Babaji set a very high standard for Kriya Yoga initiation. Lahiri Mahasaya then requested that Babaji relax the traditionally strict requirements for discipleship. “Be it so,” Babaji compassionately acquiesced. “The divine wish has been expressed through you. Give Kriya to all who humbly ask you for help.”

Speaking to disciples at the SRF Mother Center in 1949, Paramahansaji gave more details about this: “Although the ancient restrictions of asceticism and renunciation were waived by Babaji in order that the masses might benefit from Kriya Yoga, he nevertheless required of Lahiri Mahasaya and all descendants of his spiritual line (the YSS/SRF line of Gurus) that they impose on any who sought initiation a period of preliminary spiritual training, by way of preparation for Kriya Yoga practice.”

From the earliest years of his mission in the West, Paramahansaji began developing a systematic course of instruction in the yoga principles and techniques that would prepare serious students for initiation in Kriya Yoga according to the requirements set in place by Babaji. This course was initially taught only in classes conducted personally by Paramahansaji, and included three basic techniques whose practice he felt was integral to the full effectiveness of Kriya Yoga: the Technique of Energization, the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration, and the Aum Technique of Meditation.

Since 1934, detailed instruction in all of the above techniques has been given in the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons. For those students of the YSS Lessons who feel drawn to the science of Kriya Yoga as their personal path to God, Paramahansaji offered initiation into the practice of the Kriya Yoga technique. That sacred diksha (initiation) offered through Yogoda Satsanga Society of India establishes the guru-disciple relationship between the student and Paramahansa Yogananda.

Paramahansa Yogananda described the guru-disciple relationship as a “very personal and private spiritual bond…a union of loyal spiritual endeavour on the part of the disciple and divine blessings bestowed by the guru.”

I seek nothing of you but your joy in God. And you seek nothing from me but God’s wisdom and joy.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Please note: Enrolment for the New Edition of the YSS Lessons in Hindi is now open.

Apply Now

Even the busiest person can practise meditation

The primary focus of the Yogoda Satsanga teachings is technique, purged of unnecessary theory. The truths explained in the Lessons are universally practical. Their clear and simple presentation makes even the more complex truths readily comprehensible and easy to apply in daily life by young and old alike. These precepts can be observed and put into practice by even the busiest person, for the practice of the techniques requires only a relatively short period of time each day.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Apply for the YSS Lessons in three easy steps: 

STEP 1: Create an account.

STEP 2: Complete an application.

STEP 3: Digitally sign the pledge and submit online.

Note for those residing outside of India and neighbouring countries:

Yogoda Satsanga Society of India disseminates the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. If you reside outside of one of these countries, please apply for the Lessons through Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF). SRF is our sister society, which Paramahansaji founded in 1920 to disseminate his teachings throughout all other parts of the world. The content of the YSS Lessons and SRF Lessons is identical.

Cost and Timing

The YSS Lessons (basic series) is divided into 18 in-depth Lessons(approximately 24-40 pages each), each of which students receive every two weeks for 9 months. All of the basic meditation techniques that are preparatory to Kriya Yoga are mailed by the end of this period.  

We are offering the basic series of the YSS Lessons at a special introductory price — ₹ 600 for Lessons sent by Ordinary Post, and ₹ 1000 for Lessons sent by Courier/Special Post — substantially lower than their actual cost.

The above rates are applicable only for India. Subscription rates for Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka are INR 4,200. Lessons Students in Nepal are requested to contact our meditation center in Kopundole for subscription.

This price includes complimentary access to the digital version of the Lessons in the YSS Lessons app, and all the auxiliary content for the Lessons during your Basic Lessons series subscription period.

Special note: We are introducing the new edition of the Lessons at the lowest price we can, so that the Lessons can be available to all who otherwise may not be able to afford them. We are only able to offer this low price because of the generous support that we anticipate from many devotees of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India toward the spread of Paramahansa Yogananda’s work to people in all lands.

If you are able, we would be very grateful if when enrolling you could also consider making a donation. This will allow us to meet our general operating expenses and extend the availability of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings to all sincere seekers.

Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for the first Lesson to arrive.

“Thank you so very much for the new Lessons, they are very helpful, I am understanding the teachings now in a better way, and feel our great Guru’s blessings.”     
– S.J., Delhi

SRF/YSS App — Your digital spiritual companion for study, meditation, and inspiration

A digital resource to aid your spiritual journey

Experience a life-transforming awakening of the peace, joy, and wisdom of the soul through the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi.

The SRF/YSS app is for everyone — whether you are brand new to the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda or have been immersing yourself in this great teacher’s wisdom for decades. It is also for anyone who wants to learn more about meditation, the science of Kriya Yoga, and practical ways to live a spiritually balanced life.


  • Guided Meditations on Peace, Living Fearlessly, God as Light, Expansion of Consciousness, and more — with customizable meditation times from 15 to 45 minutes
  • Free access to live online meditations
  • YSS/SRF News and Event Information

For those who are students of the YSS/SRF Lessons…

The app includes the digital versions of your Lessons along with a rich variety of multimedia content to help you apply the YSS/SRF Kriya Yoga teachings in your daily life.


  • Audio recordings of Paramahansa Yogananda
  • Guided meditations and visualizations led by YSS/SRF monastics
  • Classes on the YSS/SRF meditation techniques
  • Step-by-step video instruction in the YSS/SRF Energization Exercises

If you are a YSS/SRF Lessons student, please use your verified account information to access the Lessons in the app.

YSS SRF App Introductory Video
Play Video about YSS SRF App Introductory Video

How do I get the SRF/YSS App

  • Not yet a Lessons student? First subscribe to the YSS Lessons. You will then receive an email with instructions on downloading the app and how to sign in.
  • Currently subscribed to the YSS Basic Lessons? Download the app from either Google Play or the Apple Store. You will need your YSS Devotee Portal username and password to login.

YSS Lessons students can also view the YSS Lessons and auxiliary material on the desktop app:

Praise for our latest upgrade

Frequently asked Questions

Please click on the link below to read some of the frequently asked questions related to the App.

The FAQ above is specifically related to the SRF/YSS App, if you’re looking for a general FAQ for YSS and these teachings, please visit our FAQ page.