October 6, 2021

Dear Ones, Loving Christmas greetings to you, Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual family and friends around the world! May the light and spiritual power of this joyous season inspire and uplift you, as we celebrate the birth — and rebirth — of the blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

A beloved avatar (personal manifestation of God) who embodied the all-embracing Christ Consciousness (Kutastha Chaitanya), Jesus along with Mahavatar Babaji is immortally linked with the spread of Kriya Yoga from India to the West. Through the sublime teachings and techniques disseminated worldwide by Paramahansa Yogananda at the behest of Jesus and Babaji, each of us has been given the means by which we can prepare the cradle of our own hearts for the birth of the Christ Child of infinity. By communion with that sacred consciousness in meditation, we discover the true “Second Coming of Christ” — right within ourselves. My heartfelt prayer is that the heavenly magnetism and grace radiating from the celestial realms with special power during this holy season will draw your meditating soul deeply into the loving, life-transforming presence of God, which unites all beings in one divine family. That is the real, spiritual celebration of Christmas, which Paramahansaji’s followers all over the world so much look forward to at this time of year.

Then, renewed by the awakened Divine within us, let us carry that consciousness into the beautiful social celebrations and festivities of Christmastime — radiating light and joy to our loved ones and offering to them our gifts of kindness, understanding, and appreciation. When we are in touch with that light of Christ within, automatically we spread harmony wherever we go. In our meditations and in our acts of kindness and service to others throughout the new year, may we feel our consciousness expanding each day as we fill it anew with divine love, and thereby contribute in a personal way to peace and goodwill in our communities, nations, and the world.
These are my soul’s wishes for you and your dear ones this Christmas — for the rebirth in your own consciousness of the universality of ever-living Jesus, and of the Christ-love and joy that is his eternal gift to every member of the human family.

May you have a most blessed Christmas and spiritually fulfilling New Year!

Swami Chidananda Giri

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