Commemorating Mahatma Gandhi: The “Simple-Saint-of-Truth”

November 29, 2019

On October 2, 2019, Mahatma Gandhi was honoured on the 150th anniversary of his birth in a special gathering at the Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial at the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades, California.

YSS/SRF President Swami Chidanandaji conducted the event, quoting from Gandhi’s writings and from Paramahansa Yogananda’s words about the “Simple Saint of Truth.” Swami Chidananda spoke about how Mahatma Gandhi’s enduring message of nonviolence can be embodied by us all.

Dedicated by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1950, the Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial houses a 1000-year-old sarcophagus containing the only portion of Gandhi’s ashes outside of his native India.

Following this event, Swami Chidananda delivered a talk, “A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi,” at the Lake Shrine Temple that was livestreamed to YSS/SRF members and friends around the world. To read more and watch the entire talk, please follow the link: “A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi” .

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