Newsletter & Appeal 2018

October 27, 2018

The YSS Centenary Celebrations continued on through the last quarter of 2017 and concluded in March 2018. This period was marked by several firsts in the history of YSS. During October-November 2017, Swami Chidanandaji made his first visit to YSS after becoming the fifth President of YSS/SRF in August 2017. Much to the joy of YSS devotees, Swamiji participated in both the Centenary Sharad Sangams, and made this unique event all the more special by his magnetic and loving presence. This period also witnessed the first ever visit to YSS by a President of India. The Hon’ble President, Sri Ram Nath Kovind was the Chief Guest for the book release function of the Hindi translation of Gurudeva’s interpretation of the Gita, God Talks With Arjuna. On that momentous day, November 15, 2017, a great scripture was offered to mankind in the combined presence of the President of India andthe President of YSS/SRF. The working of a divine hand could be easily discerned in the way all this came together to make the Centenary Year a memorable landmark in the history of YSS.

It was a great joy to receive four nuns from SRF in January 2018, who came to India to participate in the concluding Centenary programmes. Through their presence and discourses they spread a vibration of peace and love wherever they went.

In addition to the charitable activities YSS regularly undertakes, this year YSS reached out to the flood affected people of Kerala by distributing essential items at several relief camps in that State. YSS also contributed `10 lakhs to the Distress Relief Fund of the Chief Minister of Kerala, and Rs. 2 lakhs each to the District Collectors in the affected areas.

Every year God and Gurus place a new task before us, a new challenge, and a new opportunity to grow spiritually. Last year it was the YSS Centenary. This year it is the 125th Birth Anniversary and launching the new edition of the Lessons. None of this could have been done without your generous and unstinting support in terms of time, service, talent and resources. We thank all of you for being part of this wonderful family; and move forward, knowing that each new day will draw more sincere souls who will help us carry this joyous burden that has been given to us.

As we continue to serve, let us all remember Gurudeva’s words: “Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone, and having but one desire — for His constant presence in the temple of your consciousness — that is the way to live in this world.”

In divine friendship

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