“Finding Joy in Daily Life”

(Discourse by a YSS Sannyasi in English)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

11:00 a.m.

– 12:00 noon


About the Event

Practice evenminded calmness all the time. Become a king, an absolute monarch, of your own mental realm of calmness….Let nothing disturb your peaceable kingdom of calmness. Night and day carry with you the joy of ‘the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.’

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Drawing from Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s “how-to-live” teachings, Swami Shraddhananda Giri elucidated in this inspirational talk how happiness can visit us in various forms — through laughter, smiles, optimism, or as inner joy. However, the pathway to all forms of happiness is meditation and it forms the foundation from which all forms of joy spill over into our lives.

In this discourse Swamiji explained the three main precepts embedded in the secret of finding everlasting joy in daily life. It can be understood as the experience of ever-existing happiness that does not cease, a joy that is ever-conscious, and an ever-new joy that does not become stale.

This discourse reassured devotees that it is possible to carve out an oasis of joy in their daily lives despite any trials and tribulations they may face — by cultivating the desire for God, being kind and respectful, and seeing the good in people they meet, thereby seeing God in them.

This satsanga in English was live-streamed from the Sadhana Sangam at YSS Ranchi Ashram.

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