Lessons in Kriya Yoga

Learn how to apply for the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons

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Please note: Currently the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons are available in English, Tamil, and Telugu. They will be available in Hindi towards the end of 2024.

NEW STUDENTS: How to Apply for Kriya Yoga Initiation

Step 1: Complete Paramahansa Yogananda’s Basic Series of YSS Lessons for Home Study

Yogoda Satsanga Society of India makes the advanced spiritual techniques that it teaches available only to students of the YSS Lessons, a home-study course for which all interested persons may apply. It is an ancient tradition in India to approach a spiritual teacher with sincerity prior to receiving instruction; and by applying for the YSS Lessons, the seeker after truth is stating that he or she is sincere in wanting to take the first step toward learning the Kriya Yoga science of meditation taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.

The Lessons provide step-by-step instructions for learning to meditate, as well as guidance on living a spiritually balanced and successful life. The basic series of the Lessons consist of 18 Lessons, which are mailed to students every two weeks. The basic series includes instruction in three powerful techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda — the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration, the Energization Exercises, and the Aum Technique of Meditation — as necessary components in the comprehensive spiritual science of Kriya Yoga.

This gradual introduction has a purpose. As a mountain climber seeking to scale the Himalayas must first undergo the necessary conditioning and acclimatization, so the seeker needs this initial period to acclimatize his or her habits and thoughts, condition the mind with concentration and devotion, and practise directing the body’s life energy.

After approximately eight months of preparation and practice, those students who have completed study of the 18 basic Lessons are then eligible to apply for initiation in the technique of Kriya Yoga and formally establish the time-honoured guru-disciple relationship with Paramahansa Yogananda and his lineage of enlightened masters.

Step 2: Apply for Initiation in Kriya Yoga

For those YSS Lessons students who have completed the basic series of 18 Lessons (which will take approximately eight months of study), you will now be eligible to apply for initiation in Kriya Yoga, an invitation for which will be included with Lesson 17.

If you feel inwardly that this is your chosen path to God, and wish to establish the sacred guru-disciple relationship with Paramahansa Yogananda and his lineage of enlightened masters, we advise you to read the insert that is included with the printed version of Lesson 17 to help you in making your decision about whether to apply for Kriya Yoga at this time, or whether for the present you wish to continue with your study and practice of the basic techniques and teachings you have received in the Lessons thus far.

In addition to learning more about Kriya Yoga in Lesson 17, you may also find it helpful to reread Paramahansa Yogananda’s exposition on the sacred technique of Kriya Yoga in chapter 26 of Autobiography of a Yogi as you reflect on how this soul science can aid you in achieving Self-realization.

Those who choose not to take the step to apply for Kriya Yoga may still continue their study of the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons.

Whether or not one ultimately decides to request initiation in Kriya Yoga, all who are earnest in their practice will realize for themselves the truth in Paramahansaji’s assurance that it is possible to reach the highest states of divine consciousness through the other Yogoda Satsanga Basic Techniques (listed in Step 1 above) — though Kriya Yoga is the fastest and most effective method.

“Kriya Yoga is no ordinary breathing exercise: It is the highest known technique of pranayama, by which you can consciously control the life force in the body and thereby attain cosmic consciousness.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Even if you have not enrolled for the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons, you can still learn the basics of meditation through initial instructions and guided meditations on our website — tools you can use right away to begin experiencing the manifold benefits that meditation brings. 

Please note: Currently the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons are available in English, Tamil, and Telugu. They will be available in Hindi towards the end of 2024.

KRIYABANS: Request the New Edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons

The new, enhanced edition of the Yogoda Satsanga Kriya Yoga Lessons is now available. This edition, with new Lessons on “Attunement With the Guru” and “Plan of Life for the Kriya Yogi,” includes material that has never been distributed until now — words dictated by Paramahansaji in the closing years of his earthly incarnation, when he was anticipating a complete revision of the seven-step Lessons and the creation of Advanced Lessons.

Existing YSS Kriyabans may now subscribe to the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons online in the devotee portal. If you have not yet created a devotee portal account (or previously verified your Lessons student status) you will need to do so as part of your Kriya enrolment process. You will need your YSS Lessons Reg. number to verify your Lessons student status

Note: The Kriya Lessons are available in print format only (not in the YSS Lessons app) and are offered for a suggested donation to help cover printing, mailing, and other related costs.

If as an existing YSS Kriyaban you have not signed up for the basic series of the new Lessons, we strongly recommend that you do so before requesting the new Kriya Lessons, because of the way in which the Lessons have been reorganized and systematically presented. There is invaluable information in the basic series that is extremely helpful for practice of Kriya, as a significant portion of this information was not included in earlier editions of the Lessons. If you do elect to enrol in both the basic Lessons and the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons, you will receive the Kriya Yoga Lessons first. 

Am I Eligible to Apply for Kriya Yoga Initiation?

Select the option below that applies to you to determine your Kriya Yoga initiation eligibility.

I am not an YSS Lessons student (old or new edition). Can I apply for Kriya Yoga?

You are not yet eligible. Before applying for Kriya Yoga, you must be a Lessons student and have completed the basic series of 18 Lessons. Learn more about the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons and apply online.

I am an YSS Lessons student but I have not completed the basic series. Can I apply for Kriya Yoga?

You are not yet eligible. You will receive an invitation to apply with Lesson 17. 

Please watch for the invitation with Lesson 17.

I am an YSS Lessons student and I have completed the basic series. Can I apply for Kriya Yoga?

I studied the previous edition of the Lessons some years ago. Can I apply for Kriya Yoga?

You are eligible to apply for Kriya Yoga if you have completed Step II (through number 52) of the previous edition of the YSS Lessons.

However, we do recommend that you study the new series of basic Lessons as well. The new edition offers previously unpublished material and has been completely reorganized for clarity and ease of learning.

Please create an account or login to the Devotee Portal to apply.

I am a Kriyaban of the previous Lessons edition. Can I request the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons?

Yes, you may request the new edition of the Kriya Yoga Lessons.

However, we do recommend that you study the new series of basic Lessons as well. The new edition offers previously unpublished material and has been completely reorganized for clarity and ease of learning.

Please create an account or login to the Devotee Portal to apply.