In the Glory of the Spirit

In this uplifting talk, Paramahansaji reminds his listeners that God’s infinite love is the only lasting Reality






In this uplifting talk, Paramahansaji reminds his listeners that God’s infinite love is the only lasting Reality

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This is the tenth recording in Self-Realization Fellowship’s Collector’s Series of rare archival talks by Paramahansa Yogananda. The occasion was a celebration of the great Guru’s birthday — a joyous gathering of disciples and friends at the SRF International Headquarters in Los Angeles in the late 1940s. The first few minutes of the program are a brief but inspiring talk by Paramahansaji’s advanced disciple Rajarsi Janakananda. Then the Guru himself addresses the gathering — reminiscing with great love, wisdom, and good humor about the divinely orchestrated events surrounding his departure from India in 1920 to spread the message of yoga meditation in the West.Concluding with a powerfully uplifting exhortation to all who are seeking the Divine, Paramahansaji reminds his listeners that God’s infinite love is the only lasting Reality, and urges them: “Find that Shelter in your heart of hearts.”

Playing time: 31 minutes

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℗ 2007 Self-Realization Fellowship. All rights reserved.

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It is our privilege to offer the MP3 recording featured on this webpage, exclusively for your personal use. We invite you to download this edition onto your own digital devices, as you may see fit for your individual (non-commercial) use. Kindly note, however, that upon acquiring this MP3 recording you are agreeing not to reproduce and/or transmit the contents of this MP3 recording to others without the publisher’s prior written authorization. We thank you for supporting our publishing endeavors in connection with the spiritual legacy of our founder, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

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