Do We Live One or Many Lives?

by Swami Padmananda Giri

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In this talk with a period of meditation, SRF sannyasi Swami Padmananda Giri shares wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on the law of reincarnation — and how this process of our soul’s evolution through many forms is meant to lead us ultimately to realize our oneness with Spirit in bliss. We come to this physical plane of existence many times in different bodies until we realize that true happiness is not found by fulfilling physical desires but by attuning with the higher consciousness of the Divine, and expressing that in thought and action. By the practice of yoga meditation we can shift our attention from our mortal form and ego-nature to our true nature as an immortal soul — a completely unique reflection of omnipresent Spirit. This talk was recorded at the SRF San Diego Temple in March 2022.

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