The Love and Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda

by Sri Sri Daya Mata

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In this talk Sri Daya Mata, beloved former sanghamata and president of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship, shares many beautiful personal insights about the guru-disciple relationship. Her words reflect the wise guidance and loving encouragement that Paramahansa Yogananda gave to all who sought his help on the path to spiritual freedom and ultimate reunion with the Divine.

Topics include:

  • The nature of a true guru — one who has travelled the path and knows God
  • The unconditional love of the guru for the disciple
  • Cultivating attunement and right attitude towards the guru
  • How to replace restlessness with the peace of meditation
  • Why modern families are struggling, and how to make yours stronger
  • An inspiring reading of Sri Yoganandaji’s poem “When I Am Only A Dream”

This talk was recorded on August 19, 1989, following the annual Convocation gathering of Self-Realization Fellowship members from around the world, Sri Daya Mata met with some of the attendees in the main chapel at the SRF International Headquarters in Los Angeles.

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