“Deepening Discipleship” — Initial Growth of the Voluntary League of Disciples

January 13, 2024

I joined VLD for its promise of greater attunement with my Guru. I thrilled at the blessing of dedicating my life to God, of loving God and serving God. And the blessings continue. The activities of VLD have all contributed to making me more focused on my sadhana and making a greater effort to follow the “Spiritual Duties” [outlined for VLD members], than ever before. And my faith and expectation is that the rest will follow.

—H.K., Kolkata

As Swami Chidanandaji, president and spiritual head of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship (YSS/SRF) conveys in his message welcoming readers to the Voluntary League of Disciples Handbook, “Paramahansa Yogananda devoted much time during the final years of his life to the formation of a vehicle or structure through which Kriyaban members of YSS and SRF worldwide could actively participate in the growth and progress of his work. Now that dream has come to fruition with the formal inauguration of the YSS and SRF Voluntary League of Disciples.”

Since that inauguration, in June of 2021, there have been many exciting new opportunities for members of this lay disciple order to offer service — and learn more about deepening their discipleship on the path. In this post, we are happy to share with you some of those ongoing developments.

But first, here is some background about how being a Kriya Yogi in Yogoda Satsanga Society of India relates to the question of whether someone also chooses to become a member of the Voluntary League of Disciples (VLD):

On this spiritual path, when one receives initiation into the technique of Kriya Yoga, he or she enters into the guru-disciple relationship — that most revered tradition of sincere spiritual seeking known in India for millennia — with Paramahansa Yogananda, and becomes a Kriyaban member of YSS or SRF.

At that time of receiving the sacred Kriya initiation, Kriyabans take a spiritual pledge of discipleship. After being a Kriyaban for at least a year, if one wishes one can choose to join the VLD as well, taking an additional pledge of spiritual commitment to living a self-disciplined life according to the principles emphasized by Paramahansa Yogananda, and to regular service (seva) to YSS/SRF as an expression of devotion to the guru and desire to aid his work.

Since the launch of the VLD, the focus has been in helping VLD members to guide their lives according to the VLD pledge, to strengthen their inner spiritual life through specially designed classes by monastics, and create stronger spiritual bonds with each other through fellowship.

In this post, you can read about the events taken up by the YSS wing of the Voluntary League — especially the ongoing programmes that VLD members have been part of and have benefitted from in terms of their striving to deepen sadhana and giving of themselves in Guru-seva.

The Unique Support and Approach of VLD Classes

In an online satsanga held for YSS/SRF Kriyabans shortly after the inauguration, Swami Chidanandaji highlighted that “The Voluntary League of Disciples, first and foremost, is about discipleship, and then about serving the work with that consciousness — from that attitude, from that inner alignment with and dedication to Guru….This is the Voluntary League in a nutshell: Kriyaban disciples, of YSS and SRF, who make a commitment to living the life and serving the work.”

The VLD classes and workshops conducted monthly by YSS and SRF monastics offer inspiring, insightful, and practical counsel to VLD members. These events are designed to support members in fulfilling the pledge they have taken and to help them absorb the principles of Paramahansaji’s teachings more deeply into their consciousness.

In the last two years, the following vital topics have been covered as part of VLD online classes delivered by YSS monastics:

  • Hastening Our Progress to the Divine Through a Spiritual Routine
  • Insights Into the Practice of the Hong-Sau Technique
  • The Value of Balanced Life for Kriyabans
  • Reflections on Sri Daya Mata’s Motto: Love, Serve, Courage, Faith

VLD members who missed these classes given by YSS monastics, or those who would like to review them again, can view these videos in the Content section of the YSS VLD website. VLD members can access this by logging in using their Devotee Portal login and password.

In addition, YSS VLD members also eagerly participated in and benefited from the following online VLD classes and workshops by SRF monastics:

  • Discipleship: A Life of Divine Purpose
  • The Purpose of the Spiritual Pledge
  • Introspection: Key to Self-Mastery
  • Deepening Your Life as a Disciple
  • Be on Fire for God
  • The Relationship Between Guru and Disciple
  • Keeping Our Spiritual Striving Fresh and Ever New

The classes by SRF monastics are posted on the SRF VLD Content site. They are accessible to YSS VLD members via the Content Section of the YSS VLD website.

A unique feature of the VLD classes has been joint satsangas by monastics from YSS and SRF, live-streamed from opposite sides of the globe. They have helped to foster a greater sense of unity and closeness of among our global family of Kriyaban brothers and sisters.

The topics of these satsangas were:

  • Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda: A God-Ordained Guru for East and West
  • Answers to Questions From VLD Members
  • Fulfilling Your Divine Purpose

While the monastics were imparting their insights, the satsanga experience felt akin to being in the comforting presence of wise elders at home, generously sharing spiritual inspiration with me.

—R. M., Pune

There were many practical gems in the session personally valuable to me. These were insights from monastics who have overcome similar obstacles in their own sadhana. There were useful tips for both veteran and new disciples on the path.

—U. V., Delhi

VLD Member Fellowship Events

YSS VLD members were part of three online fellowships which were conducted by VLD member volunteers in March, July, and September 2022.

The YSS VLD member fellowship in March 2022 included a monastic satsanga and included sharing of personal experiences in their sadhana and seva by a panel of four long-time VLD members from YSS and SRF. It also had a facilitated breakout session where YSS VLD members from all over India joined Zoom breakout rooms to reflect on the monastic message and the insights shared by the panelists.

I especially loved hearing the personal stories shared by the panel members. This is a rare experience to hear from devotees; they were wonderful examples of the beautiful family of Guruji. Highlights for me: Swamiji’s talk, panel discussion, breakout rooms! In short, everything about the event!

—From one of the fellowship participants.

The July and September 2022 fellowships focused on the theme of “Living the VLD Pledge”. It included video clips from VLD classes and preparatory reading of the Handbook as homework to get the participants thinking about and reflecting on the pledge that all VLD members have taken. The silent reflection about the pledge was followed by a facilitated breakout room in which everyone shared their understanding of the pledge and how they are putting it into practice.

Many participants shared deeply inspiring and touching comments and observations about the events. One devotee said that he was so thrilled to have joined the VLD and that “these are the best years of his life.” Another said: “The insights from fellow devotees, who have been living a life of dedication to Gurudeva’s path have been inspiring and motivating. They help me to refocus my energies and also give me a fresh perspective on why Guruji used to emphasize keeping “spiritual company.”

VLD Retreat at Noida

Swami Smaranananda leading a class during the VLD Retreat at Noida

A special in-person weekend retreat exclusively for the members of the Voluntary League of Disciples (VLD) was conducted at the YSS Noida ashram and was live-streamed to the YSS Dakshineswar ashram, Igatpuri, Pune, Chennai, and Coimbatore retreat centres during April 14 – 16, 2023.

The retreat included monastic-led meditations and satsangas on the topics: “The Role of Seva in Our Sadhana” and “Making Our Meditations Deeper and Sweeter.”

Attending the VLD retreat at the YSS Noida Ashram was a transformative experience, providing me with a sense of inner security and calmness. I discovered a renewed enthusiasm for all my worldly duties, regardless of their nature—whether interesting or not, difficult or easy. This experience has shifted my attitude, guiding me to approach my work with a mindset of service. Also, my meditations have become more regular, deeper, and sweeter.

— M. M., Bhubaneswar

Another feature of the retreat in Noida was a panel discussion led by Swami Smaranananda and Swami Adyananda. The monastics addressed various questions about the VLD and sadhana, while ten VLD members — five men and five women, from different backgrounds and representing various stages of life — complemented their presentations by sharing insights from their own perspectives and experiences.

VLD Information Booth and Information Desk at Sangams

YSS-VLD-Information-Desk-at-YSS-Sangam-2023-Hyderabad-in-February (1)
VLD Information Desk at YSS Sangam 2023, Hyderabad in February

VLD members embraced the opportunity to share information about the VLD with those YSS devotees and Kriyabans who were interested in learning more.

During the YSS Sangam 2023 at Hyderabad, VLD members from various kendras and cities came together to collectively reflect on the key points of membership in the VLD. They also set up a booth to share this information with those Kriyaban devotees who were interested. About 500 Guru-bhais and Guru-behens visited the booth.

VLD Information Desk at Noida ashram during October 2023
VLD Information Desk during the Sangam in November at Ranchi

As the Voluntary League of Disciples enters its third year, we are filled with reverent gratitude for the blessings it has brought into the lives of many YSS devotees. And we look forward to seeing how Paramahansaji’s vision for this order of householder disciples will continue to blossom and unfold — both in the lives of current VLD members and in those who in future will be drawn to this opportunity for discipleship and divine service.

To Learn More

To learn more about the Voluntary League of Disciples, please visit the YSS VLD website. One of the helpful things you will find there is a short video clip from a talk given by the President and Spiritual Head of YSS/SRF, Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, in which he explains the purpose of the VLD.

If you have a YSS Devotee Portal account, you can also log in there to find the Voluntary League of Disciples Handbook, which includes a comprehensive presentation of the history and purpose of the VLD as well as the VLD Pledge. The Handbook can also be accessed by YSS/SRF Kriyabans through the SRF/YSS app.


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