Guru Purnima Message from Swami Chidananda Giri — 2024

July 9, 2024

Only through the guru-disciple relationship may the human soul retrace its footsteps to God, because ultimate liberation depends on three factors: the devotee’s effort, the help of the guru, and the grace of God….The guru’s help is vital, for when the devotee is in doubt or his spiritual resolve is weakened, if he prays intensely to the guru, that vehicle of God will bless him and show him the way.

— Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Dear One,

Guru Purnima is a blessed occasion to offer deepest gratitude, love, and loyalty to one’s revered satguru—the pure instrument chosen by God to lead the disciple to complete soul-freedom. How fortunate we are to have our own beloved gurudeva, Paramahansa Yogananda, and in him the perfect embodiment of God’s all-embracing and ever-encouraging love.

The Great Ones have assured us that more powerful than any obstacle in life is the guru’s unfailing help and blessings upon those who are receptive to his wisdom-guided instruction and eternal friendship. As we traverse this world so often fraught with difficulties and distractions, if we remember to call on Gurudeva again and again—opening our hearts and minds to his presence with loving surrender and humility—we will undoubtedly receive the divine aid and insight which we need. Taking refuge in his eternal care, there is no challenge that we cannot face and overcome.

My prayer for you, beloved one of Gurudeva, is that you renew your inner resolve to deepen your attunement with his divine consciousness. As you give yourself completely in following his sacred Kriya Yoga teachings, know that your consciousness is being purified and transformed; and that he is drawing you ever nearer to your own kaivalya—oneness with Spirit. Jai Guru!

In God and Gurudeva’s love and unceasing blessings,

Swami Chidananda Giri

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