Paramahansa Yogananda on the True Celebration of Christmas

December 12, 2023


Each year at Christmastime there are stronger than usual vibrations of Christ-love and joy that emanate to earth from the heavenly realms. The ether becomes filled with the Infinite Light that shone on earth when Jesus was born. Those persons who are in tune through devotion and deep meditation feel in a wondrously tangible way the transforming vibrations of the omnipresent consciousness that was in Christ Jesus.

The idea of an all-day Christmas meditation was really given to me by Christ, that he might do something for you. He wants to bless you, but his hands are tied if you are not receptive. He wants to come to you, but he can’t if the portals of devotion, through which alone he can enter your life, are closed. Wherever he finds sincere souls, he tries to come to them; but how can he get in when the doors of calmness are shut, and the latch of restlessness has locked up the soul? Yet if you meditate long and deeply, and call to Christ with all the love of your soul, removing all barriers of restlessness and doubt, you will find him willingly entering in. You will know the real meaning and joy of Christmas.

I urge you to celebrate truly the birth of Jesus: by realizing within yourself his universal love, forgiveness, character, renunciation, and devotion, and by feeling Christ-love for all brother races and all living creatures.

Add to your social festivities the bringing of Christ a second time — in your meditative consciousness. There is only a suggestion of Christ in Christmas festivities; but in the cradle of divine ecstasy in meditation he is seen and felt as an everlasting, ever joyous reality.

Please visit our “Seasonal Inspiration” page for a guided meditation on the Infinite Christ and more writings of Paramahansa Yogananda that help one to experience the deepest significance of this season.

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