Mahavatar Babaji Smriti Divas

(Commemorative Meditation)

Thursday, July 25, 2024

6:30 a.m.

– 8:00 a.m.


About the Event

My nature is love; for it is love alone that can change this world.

— Mahavatar Babaji

Every year on July 25, we honour Mahavatar Babaji, who revived in this age the lost scientific meditation technique of Kriya Yoga.

On this day in 1920, Mahavatar Babaji visited Paramahansa Yogananda at his parental home in Kolkata to bless him, before Yoganandaji embarked on his travel to the United States to spread the ancient science of Kriya Yoga worldwide.

A special online programme in honour of the deathless guru was conducted by a YSS sannyasi. This programme included periods of devotional chanting, inspirational readings, and meditation.

All YSS ashrams, kendras, and mandalis also conducted in-person programmes on this occasion.

To know more you may wish to explore the following links:

If you wish to make an offering on this sacred occasion, please click the button given here.

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You may explore the following links to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings.

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