“Manifest the Truth of What You Are as a Soul — Eternally Young” by Sri Daya Mata

April 9, 2024

Sri Sri Daya Mata was the beloved sanghamata and president of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship from 1955 until her passing in 2010. Her bi-monthly letters were a cherished source of guidance and inspiration to YSS devotees for decades. Presented here is a letter that was originally shared in 2001, in which she lovingly reminds us of the true source of youthfulness and how we can joyfully radiate that in our lives.

Dear Ones,

The emphasis of people today is on prolonging youthfulness. But they focus on the externals of looking young and being able to act young. Paramahansa Yogananda demonstrated in his life that youth is an uplifting state of consciousness that feeds the vitality of life and the power to achieve.

He lived in the realm where divine thoughts are the Reality, and taught us to cultivate those thoughts that cause our bodies and minds to manifest the Truth of what we are: “You, the soul, are eternally young. Impress that thought on your consciousness: ‘I am the soul, a reflection of ever-youthful Spirit. I am vibrant with youth, with ambition, with power to succeed.’”

The most vibrantly “alive” persons are those who have brought God into their daily existence.

Physical means of youthfulness, insofar as they are based on God’s laws of health, are valuable, though inevitably temporary. True youthfulness is much more than maintaining bodily well-being. It is a vitality of mind and spirit that radiates from within — a joy born of feeling our deep inner connection with God’s eternal power and bliss.

I love to see in devotees that soul quality of youthful enthusiasm which expresses as a positive attitude of making the best of life’s experiences and refusing to be hampered by limitations of the body.

Whether we are a teenager or a “senior citizen,” when we constantly refresh our interest in developing the potentials of our mind and abilities, when the heart is always ready to give and to serve, when we hold to faith in God no matter what our circumstances, we are truly imbibing the inner “fountain of youth.”

When people asked his age, Paramahansaji would joyously reply: “I have no age; my age is one — infinite.” Do not attach too much significance to your outer form; it is but one of countless bodily garments you have donned in many earthly sojourns.

Every now and then throughout the day, and especially when the mind is concentrated within in meditation, remind yourself that you are a soul endowed with God’s eternal life, graced with His everlasting youthfulness and beauty. As Paramahansaji said: “Feel your oneness with the Father….Feel His glory registering His Infinite Immortality in your body, mind, and soul.”

God love you,

Daya Mata

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