Recent YSS/SRF Sannyas Vows — Following an Ancient Tradition

May 9, 2024

In July 1915, Paramahansa Yogananda was initiated into India’s ancient swami monastic order when he received the vows of sannyas (renunciation of the world) from his guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar, in Serampore, India. This event not only marked a turning point in the life of the twenty-two-year-old Mukunda Lal Ghosh — who at that moment became Swami Yogananda Giri — but presaged his influence on the awakening global spirituality of the 20th century and beyond, not least because of the monastic tradition he established as part of his lasting legacy.

The ancient Swami Order to which Paramahansa Yogananda belonged thrives today in Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship monastic communities consisting of monastics from countries all over the world. This monastic order sustains the global growth of YSS/SRF and helps the wider dissemination of yoga among all nations.

Recent Sannyas Vow Ceremonies

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, in a ceremony held in the main chapel at the Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters in Los Angeles, two monastics from Yogoda Satsanga Society of India and eleven Self-Realization Fellowship monastics received initiation in the final vows of sannyas from YSS/SRF President and spiritual head Sri Sir Swami Chidananda Giri.

When a monastic takes the final vows of sannyas (after many years of monastic training and self-discipline), he or she is given a new name signifying the aspiration to attain union with God, or Infinite Bliss, through a particular divine quality, as Paramahansaji explained in his Autobiography of a Yogi (in the chapter “I Become a Monk of the Swami Order”).

Below is a picture of the new sannyasis on March 21, shortly after the vow ceremony concluded.

Standing, from left: Swamis Asimananda, Ganeshananda, and Bodhananda; YSS/SRF President Swami Chidananda Giri; Swamis Sanjayananda, Shantimoy, and Punyananda. Seated, from left: Swamis Shankarananda; Sharanananda, Yogeshananda, Sakhyananda, Vidyananda, Maitrimoy, and Nirmalananda.

The Meanings of the New Names of the Sannyasis

Swami Asimananda: Bliss through oneness with the Infinite; Swami Ganeshananda: Bliss through devotion to the Lord of wisdom and success, “the Remover of Obstacles”; Swami Bodhananda: Bliss through the awakened awareness of the Lord; Swami Sanjayananda: Bliss through the complete victory over oneself that is bestowed by divine introspective insight; Swami Shantimoy: One who is (or aspires to be) permeated with shanti, divine peace; Swami Punyananda: Bliss through virtuous actions; Swami Shankarananda: Bliss through the benevolent Lord; Swami Sharanananda: Bliss through taking shelter or refuge in the Divine; Swami Yogeshananda: Bliss through mastery of Yoga; Swami Sakhyananda: Bliss through loving the Lord as one’s intimate Friend; Swami Vidyananda: Bliss through divine wisdom and knowledge of God; Swami Maitrimoy: Permeated with loving kindness; Swami Nirmalananda: Bliss through purity.

Furthering the Work of Paramahansa Yogananda

In addition to their daily sadhana of Kriya Yoga meditation, monastics of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India further Paramahansaji’s work by serving in various capacities — including conducting public lecture tours and classes in various parts of India and surrounding countries; giving talks at Sadhana Sangams; hosting the public at outreach events; doing office work; administering the society’s ashrams, kendras, and retreats; overseeing the publication and distribution of YSS books and recordings; and counselling seekers on spiritual matters.

You can learn more about the different steps of the monastic journey in the ashrams of Paramahansa Yogananda, on the “Monastic Order” section of our website.

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